We require everyone interested in attending to sign up in advance of the event. People can do so by commenting on the specific post for the range date with their last name and if they’re bringing a plus one. (If people don’t want to register for an account here we do have a guest account people can use.)
People attending need to pay $10 ($5 if already a member at the range) to confirm their spot. This must be paid the Wednesday before the range date to allow us to purchase the necessary supplies/food and to cover the guest membership fee at the range. (We now accept eTransfers, please see either myself, Ezard or Smith on how to access that page.)
We also require that everyone attending (if they don’t have their own firearms) bring either:
- 100 rounds of 9mm or
- 50 rounds of 12ga shotgun
If someone does not have a (R)PAL and thusly can’t purchase ammo please reach out to either myself, Smith or Ezard.
We also ask people to let us know if they need any eye or ear protection to ensure we have enough on hand.